How to Select the Right Work at Home Business Opportunities

Into today’s competitive business climate selecting the right business opportunity can be a challenge for those that want to work from home. However, you can significantly narrow the choices simply by thinking about what kinds of problems you can help people solve. What are consumers currently looking for and can you provide it and make a profit at the same time?

This is important because choosing the right product to sell online is one of the most critical stages when launch a home business. If you choose the wrong product you will spend a lot time, effort and money for naught. You don’t want to begin any business by losing money. Don’t get me wrong, you’ll have to invest money when you get started, but you don’t want to lose money and you don’t want to ruin your reputation on something that’s inferior or worse yet, a scam.

Think about it from a buyer’s perspective. Would you want to purchase something that promises to help you accomplish something only to learn that it doesn’t work? Here are few tips you should consider when looking for home business opportunities.

Will the product add value to your customers?

When you’re working from home your reputation is the only thing you have and you need to be able to maintain people’s trust. If a particular product looks promising by reading the sales page, but you know it is not worth the investment, don’t promote it no matter how badly you need money.

To get beyond this, look for reviews of the product. What are other people saying?

How many people have written bad reviews? When you’re performing this kind of research, keep in mind that there are always people that will write a bad review just because of buyer’s remorse. But if you find a slew of bad reviews, that’s a good indication for you to stay away from it.

Would you buy product yourself?

Most professional affiliate marketers will tell you to purchase a product before you promote it so you can test its effectiveness and quality. However, if you’re just starting out you may not want to purchase a product that costs more than one-hundred dollars.

If you purchase a product you plan to promote, remember that most digital products offer a money-back guarantee that’s usually good for 30 or 60 days, so you can get your money back if it’s not what you expected it to be. Don’t accept any business opportunities that don’t offer a money back guarantee or you may end up losing money.

What’s the conversion rate?

The higher the conversion rate of a product the easier it’ll be for you to sell. Look at the company’s website and landing page. Is it attractive? Is there a solid call to action? Does it have professional graphics and is the copy writing done professionally?

A product that easily coverts at four percent means that you will make four sales for every one-hundred people you send to the landing page. If the conversation rate is lower than two percent don’t waste your time because you’ll have to generate a lot more traffic to make a decent profit.

Finally, when looking for home business opportunities make sure there are other people already making money with it. You don’t want to be the first one to ‘test the waters’ because if it doesn’t sell, you’ll simply waste your time and marketing efforts.

There is No Myth About It Bed Bug Bombs Do Not Work

With bed bugs infestation numbers continuing to increase, more and more households begin to feel the pain of this invasion, most people grab for the first can of pesticide they can reach to try and solve their problem. The problem is they are creating new pest problems on their own.

While I have much respect for the do-it-yourselfer, and I consider myself quite the jack of all trades, there are always those projects that are above my pay grade, if you know what I mean. I might consider rebuilding a wall or fixing a faucet, but I’m scared to death to try and mess with electricity and will always call the electrician when a project of that nature comes up.

But in the world of bugs, bed bugs are the electricity, don’t mess with them or you might get shocked! It is extremely difficult to get rid of bed bugs if you don’t know everything there is to know about bed bugs, the treatment methods, the prevention steps, the preparation for treatment necessary, and do you have all the right tools?

More and more research is being developed every day when it comes to bed bugs and how to control bed bugs. Obviously, many people still try and solve their own pest control issues, however bed bugs have become such an invasive pest and with the bed bug problem continuing to grow, the do it yourselfer also continues to fight the battle on their own, with little to no results.

I have just read an article in one of my Pest Control Trade magazines, PCT; and new research has again validated what I have been telling my customers for years now.

The research out of Ohio State found that Bug Bomb Foggers have little impact on modern-day bed bugs due to the brief exposure times, their relatively low concentrations of pyrethrins and/or pyrethroids and their lack of residual activity. And, the insecticide mist from Bug Bomb Foggers had no adverse effects on any bed bugs that were in harborages – the bed bug’s typical hiding locations, beds, box springs, cracks and crevices, voids, behind pictures, under furniture, anywhere they hide, etc…

The bed bugs that were used in the experiments, simply moved to areas where the mist could not penetrate, and most were able to survive the Bug Bombs. The scientists even tried an experiment with direct exposure to the Bug Bomb mist, and after two hours of direct exposure to the aerosolized pyrethrins and pyrethroids the bed bug populations showed negligible adverse effects, with only an average 2.1 percent immediate mortality, and only up to 28 percent after five to seven days.

Remember, it only takes one pregnant female bed bug, to start an infestation, and if you can’t get 100 percent control with a Bug Bomb, you are wasting your time and money. And even more scary, is if you hire a pest control company, and they use bug bombs, now you know – you got the wrong company!

Bed Bug treatments and remediation is for the Professionals. Call a professional Phoenix Exterminator to help you solve your serious pest control issues such as bed bug, termites, roof rats, pigeons and even weeds believe it or not.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Hing Asafoetida Powder?

Health benefits of Asafoetida powder are immense. This is potent anti-flatulent and prevents excessive gas formation, acid reflux and heartburn. When used in cooking it promotes easy digestion of food and also provides other health benefits.

Asafoetida is strong digestive aid; its regular use removes problems like slow digestion or lack of hunger. It is good laxative and regularizes bowel movements. It can keep digestive system healthy and also helps body to flush out toxins from the system.

Asafoetida possesses powerful anti-inflammatory properties; it is used with water to relieve migraines and headaches. This spice is also recommended to women having menstrual problems like painful periods, cramps, scanty or irregular periods. It contains compounds which mimic estrogen and remove deficiency of this hormone to provide relief.

Hing powder is excellent expectorant and helps the body in curing chest congestion, curing chronic cough and cough related diseases. It has been found useful in treating Bronchitis, Asthma and even used in treating Influenza.

Asafoetida powder is antispasmodic and anti-coagulant, it works very well for high blood pressure patients as it causes blood thinning and also prevents clot formation to relieve heart and keep arteries clean. Bitter gourd cooked with Asafoetida is recommended as diet for people suffering with high blood pressure.

Hing is used for lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels; it can dissolve LDL and raise level of HDL. This spice has contraceptive properties too; it has been used in many traditional medicines as contraceptive even today.

Asafoetida has antiepileptic properties and works well for people overcoming alcoholism. This spice has phytonutrients which are excellent in treating ethanol induced hepatotoxicity.

Recently Asafoetida was found very beneficial in inhibiting activity of H1N1 virus and treating Swine Flu. This spice has been used since ancient times for treating colic in babies, warm Asafoetida is placed on baby�s stomach to provide relief.

Asafoetida has aphrodisiac properties and enhances male libido, it also strengthens nervous system and promotes even blood flow all over the body. It is necessary ingredients of all commercial preparations for curing digestive disorders and regularizing defecation. It also works as potent diuretic and expels intestinal worms in young children or adults. Asafoetida paste is applied externally to treat Ringworm and has been found very effective in controlling this stubborn infection.

Asafoetida or hing is not used with onions and garlic, in fact this is used as a substitute to these, Hing has strong aroma and unique taste which forbids its use with garlic and onion as it can make food overtly flavored.